Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Ohioans vote Clinton...What were they thinking?

Exit polls show that the number one issue for voters in Ohio was the economy. And by 'economy,' they mean, who is going to bring my manufacturing job back? This begs the question, if you are concerned about bringing industry back to Ohio, why would you vote for Hillary? Hillary has stated that she is opposed to NAFTA, even though her husband pushed it through Congress back in 1993. So like Kerry on Iraq, she supported NAFTA before she was against it? Hillary likes to say that she has 35 years of experience, with 8 years of this derived from being First Lady, where she insists she played an integral role in advising her husband on policy. Apparently, Hillary would have us believe that she only advised the President on those policies favorable to Democratic primary voters. If one examines Clinton's record on free trade, it becomes clear that she does not have the interests of Ohioans in mind. According to, She voted YES on a free trade agreement with Oman, on establishing free trade between the US and Chile, on establishing free trade between the US and Singapore, and gave China and Vietnam "most favored nation" status. In 1998, she praised business leaders for their championing of NAFTA in the U.S. She only started opposing free trade in 2005, when she voted against CAFTA, undoubtedly with plans of a presidential run in 2008. So where does Hillary stand on free trade, like all issues? Wherever the political winds take her. If Clinton manages to become the next President, NAFTA will not be repealed. Someone who is so indebted to contributions from corpracrats like Rupert Murdoch, Warren Buffet, and Pfizer CEO Jeff Kindler will NEVER repeal NAFTA (Yes, the 'original' champion of universal health care is VERY CLOSE to the Pfizer CEO). This is the modus operandi in American politics, and it's a shame that Clinton's presidential bid was saved by a new position that she will never follow through on.

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